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Donor Reporting and M&E.​

Monitor, evaluate and report to your stakeholders about the progress, impact or risks about your projects or programs. It is a key requirement for accountability, transparency and control. 

Partner with Agcenture from program planning to closure to keep all your stakeholders informed. We help with documenting and disseminating both the quantitative and narrative data and stories.

Different Tools & Methods

Ultricies mattis sit iaculis in.​

Fresh & Healthy​

Eget lacus facilisi enim nec.​

Innovation & Tech

Lacinia nisl arcu adipiscing.​

01. M&E Plan Development

We work with you to develop a comprehensive M&E frameworks that outlines how you will track and assess and accurately report the progress and impact of your programs and projects from planning to closure stage

Theory of Change​
Indicators & KPIs​
Data collection & Analysis Methods
Reporting Formats & Frequency
Roles & Responsibilities ​
Timelines & Milestones​

02. Implementation & Management

We help you to clearly define the objectives and expected outcomes of the program or project to your team and stakeholders. We also work to build the capacity of your team and practically implement it.

Develop Indicators & Result chains ​
Establish Databases & Spreadsheets ​
Make Questionnaires ​
Convene Feedback meetings
Continuous improvement

03. Data Management

We guide you to establish systems for managing and storing data, such as databases and spreadsheets, to ensure that data is accessible, accurate, and secure.

Data Storage ​
Data Quality Control ​
Data Security ​
Data Access & Sharing
Data Analysis & Visualization
Data Archiving

04. Result Management

We conduct performance assessments and impact evaluations to measure the effectiveness of projects and programs, including the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods.

Periodical Performance assessment​
Outputs & Outcomes Tracking
Impact Evaluations (Baseline, Midline, End-line)
Case studies
Stories of Change

05. Capacity Building

We can train your team to develop and strengthen the skills, knowledge, and resources needed to design, implement, and use M&E systems effectively. Select areas are;

M&E Planning ​
Data Collection & Management
Data Analysis and Visualization
Reporting & Dissemination ​
Use of Technology in data collection, analysis & Online reporting
Research Design & Implementation
Stakeholder Engagement
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Mia Janne​

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