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Management Consulting.​

We provide you with expert advice, guidance, best practices and support .Our aim is improve your operational efficiency and effectiveness in order to improve performance, reputation and help you achieve your set mission and goals.

This service is for Non-Profit and profit-making organizations. We can offer it by embedding a consultant or offer short term contracts. These services are for startups as well as expanding NGOs, CBOS, SHGs MSMEs and other enterprises seeking sustainable profits.

Strategic Planning & Visioning

Develop a clear direction and goals for the organization’s sustainable growth .

Organizational Development

Built strong leadership, governance, and management systems

Financial Management​

Improve your financial systems, processes & reporting for sustainability & accountability.​

01. Start-up Services​

We help you to professionally research, prepare, launch and run a formal business from day one.

Feasibility studies​
Financial Appraisal ​
Formal Business Documentation ​
Business Registration (Tax, Statutory compliance)
Business Branding
Business Advisory

02. Finance

Receive help in managing your finances, debts, record keeping and risk management for your business.

Finance projections ​
Cash Flow management
Finance Strategy​
Record Keeping ​
Debt Management​

03. Business Management

Streamline your internal operations (HR, Finance, Operations, etc.) formally and manage your business strategically to craft your growth, expansion and exit strategy.

Business Manuals, policies and procedures​
Business Plans
Strategic plans​
Institutional Capacity Assessments
Business continuity plans

04. Sales & Marketing

Get advice for your business development services that help you in branding and developing a good communication strategy to engage all your stakeholders consitently

Market studies & Research ​
Pricing strategy
Promotional strategy ​
Communication strategy ​
Branding plan
Digital strategy​

05. Business Process Automation

Let us help you to digitize or automate your to automate some of repetitive and routine tasks within your business. It will improve efficiency, accuracy, and speed, while reducing manual labor and costs.

Supply Chain Management
Data Entry & Management
Finance, accounting & audit
Customer Service
Workflow Management
Human Resources
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Mia Janne​

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