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Grant & Proposal Writing

Looking to win a financial or technical bid? You must convince your donor or grantor, demonstrate familiarity with the work in question, and give a track record in handling similar assignments. But, In-house grant proposal writing is costly and time consuming to research and draft.

 You can void last minute, low quality or half-baked submissions. Consider contracting us for your grant or proposal writing or review services. We assist in research, strategizing so you can write compelling proposals. Besides, you can hire us for an outside critical review for in-house generated proposals.


Convey complex information in a simple, concise, clear and understandable manner.


Suggest innovative solutions to the proposal challenges and opportunities.


Write resonating proposals by understanding needs, interests, and motivations of your target.

01. Proposal Development

We work with you to develop proposals that clearly and effectively communicate the objectives, strategies, and outcomes to potential clients, investors, or grant makers.

Identify Stakeholders/partners ​
Develop logical framework​s
Develop Result Frameworks ​
Align proposal to donor guidelines​
Internal due diligence

02. Proposal Editing & Review

We provide editing and review services to ensure that proposals are written to a high standard, well-written, clear, concise, persuasive and are free of errors.

Formatting Consistency ​
Logical Flow
Content Review ​
Tone & Style​
Feedback & revision

03. Proposal Formatting & Layout

We provide formatting and layout services to ensure that proposals are visually appealing and easy to read.

Cover Design ​
Page Formatting
Table Formatting​

04. Financial Modelling

We assist our clients in developing detailed budgets that accurately reflect the costs associated with their projects and programs.

Cashflow Projections
Scenario Analysis ​
Sensitivity Analysis
Model Testing & Validation

05. Capacity Building

We assist our client teams and individuals in developing their knowledge and skills in grant management and writing.

Financial Projections ​
Sensitivity Analysis
Model Testing & Validation
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Mia Janne​

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